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PostSubject: Introductions   Introductions EmptyThu Jan 26, 2012 12:36 pm

I'm Drakon from Toronto Ontario Canada (it's a city I swear). I've been taking things apart and putting them back together since I was around 7 years old (started with a radio controlled car....in the 80s). I've fixed a lot of things over the years including an amplifier, a piano, a toilet, a vcr, a power adapter for my digital camera (improved it too). And I've been building / creating / engineering things since I was around 9-10 years old.

I created a key-start pc (for the security concious), a stereo system out of old pc parts, a go-cart out of random pieces of wood a leaf blower engine and random parts I found in a shed / on the side of the road. I actually only got into console modding a couple of years ago. Of course I doubt I would have completed some of these mods without the help of my good internet buddy doug! As well as tiido priimagi, robivy64 and many other talented modders.

I've been modding / improving stuff pretty much all my life...as a hobby. I have never gone to school for engineering. Everything I've learned was self taught or taught from a fellow modder on the internet (which is why I did a lot ot stuff the wrong way for a long time). I like learning things on my own and I use the internet for things like pinouts (to save on time). I doubt I would have done half of the mods I've done without the generous help of other modders on the internet.

I also compose original music on my pc as a hobby. Here's a video that's using one of my latest songs

When I first discovered video games I didn't think they were that special. It wasn't until 1989 when a friend lent me a nes and megaman 2 that I became officially hooked. 99% of games I enjoy were released between the late 80s to around 1996. And most games I enjoy are 2d.

Found a better picture of me. It's hard to get a picture of me that doesn't look terrible Crying or Very sad

Introductions Drakonsushismall
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyThu Feb 02, 2012 8:07 pm

I see you've also moved from FreeForums - don't blame you!

Anyway, thought i'd register here to support your site Drakon!

Nice smilies! 🤡

I also have no education in modding, I learnt by research on the net, Googling and forums; didn't even have anyone to teach me how to solder.

Modding is a great hobby, as long as you have variety, otherwise it can get "samey" after a while - ie "not another portable commission" - and the fun dwindles. Hence fun to have a couple of projects on the go at a time.

I live in Hampshire, UK, nearly 46 years old and been modding for something like 6 years.


Introductions Kcl0ya

Last edited by bacteria on Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyThu Feb 02, 2012 9:31 pm

Wow bacteria what an honour to have you here!!

Yeah freeforums wasn't working right. Ironically I registered on another server and it had almost identical issues...of course they didn't occure until I'd almost completely finished porting my forum. Luckily this server is very stable. I never knew you were self taught that's pretty cool (my respect for you +20). I find that if someone's willing to pay the right amount of money I'll happily do the "samey" mods over and over. Money motivates me not to get bored.

Oh yeah and the smilies came with the forum I didn't customize those at all :cyclops:
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 9:20 pm

Hey everyone, i'm GooniesMan! I'm 22 and going to school for computer engineering. Last fall I started making my own nes reproductions and am always looking to learn more about gaming mods and how far we can push these classic systems. I found this site after Drakon posted his rgb mod on NintendoAge and it got my really wantning a system like that. Normally I scoff off most of the gaming comparisons between RGB and AV, but after seeing the drastic difference in colors for the castlevania demo it really is quite a difference.
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 10:05 pm

GooniesMan wrote:
Hey everyone, i'm GooniesMan! I'm 22 and going to school for computer engineering. Last fall I started making my own nes reproductions and am always looking to learn more about gaming mods and how far we can push these classic systems. I found this site after Drakon posted his rgb mod on NintendoAge and it got my really wantning a system like that. Normally I scoff off most of the gaming comparisons between RGB and AV, but after seeing the drastic difference in colors for the castlevania demo it really is quite a difference.

Glad you have you here gooniesman! I've been pushing the capabilities of the nes for quite some time and I agree it's definitely a system that deserves that kind of love and attention. I'm glad someone like you is here because as most of the internet knows I love the nes and pushing its capabilities. When I started mucking around with nes video I thought I could just install the rgb chip and wire up a rgb amp and use an external video encoder to get s-video. You can do it that way but due to lack of information out there there was a lot of video flaws that I had to learn how to fix / work around. There's actually a tremendous amount to learn about rgb chips in the nes system (unfortunately). And another downside is all of the flaws are fixable....however it costs a lot of money. Anyway hope you stick around and show me your progress and feel free to ask any questions.

By the way what repros have you made?
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyMon Feb 27, 2012 5:38 pm

Hello im thenewone im 22 and going to school for computers. Either build games or be a tester when im out. Im a nes,n64 and snes collector i have many titles. Including the rare star fox competition and donkey kong country competion. Also have some snes sealed games. Im just here to requests things. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyMon Feb 27, 2012 9:24 pm

thenewone wrote:
Hello im thenewone im 22 and going to school for computers. Either build games or be a tester when im out. Im a nes,n64 and snes collector i have many titles. Including the rare star fox competition and donkey kong country competion. Also have some snes sealed games. Im just here to requests things. Very Happy

Request away! Owning the competition carts is a pretty cool addition to any collection (especially starfox)
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PostSubject: RE: introductions   Introductions EmptyMon Apr 23, 2012 12:02 am

im modding halfing. moving from mbb and modretro. things get weird over there... anyway i taught myself everything as i found people online to be totally retarded when it comes to explaining stupid stuff to newbs. anyway im not bad with a soldering gun, and im pretty good at playing games theres literally not a single good picture of me anywhere so ill post one later. doh anyway check me out on other websites as im to lazy to give a crap anywhere else. (dont really feel like it...lazy...very lazy)
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyMon Apr 23, 2012 9:36 am

Modding-Halfling wrote:
im modding halfing. moving from mbb and modretro. things get weird over there... anyway i taught myself everything as i found people online to be totally retarded when it comes to explaining stupid stuff to newbs. anyway im not bad with a soldering gun, and im pretty good at playing games theres literally not a single good picture of me anywhere so ill post one later. doh anyway check me out on other websites as im to lazy to give a crap anywhere else. (dont really feel like it...lazy...very lazy)

Welcome welcome. From my experience with mbb and modretro they both seem to only care about portables or atleast they get the most attention. Also modretro goes really slow for me for some reason which is annoying. And as I posted in your other thread bacteria seems to be obsessed with keeping people from leaving his forum. Luckily it's easy enough to teach yourself about the hardware these days thanks to having the powerful internet at your fingertips. When I was a teenager the internet was still pretty new so it wasn't full of all this helpful information (heck emulation was a new concept way back then). Now you can find all kinds of information on obscure japanese console hardware and custom building to help you achieve your goal(s). Yes most people can be retarded when it comes to explaining things but it's also a lot of work explaining something complex and doing that for free isn't really exciting. There's a lot of projects I personally put weeks of research into and people want me to release the schematics for free. And then after I release schematics that're easy to read as possible people still want me to explain it to them. To me the whole enjoyment from my modding hobby IS teaching myself things. I quickly learned that by teaching myself new things I was quickly making many products that had never been done before. There's a lot of copycat modders out there who just do what's already been done and therefore certain markets like the portable console making market is extremely over-saturated. If the internet wasn't so full of useful information I could understand your frustration, but I guess you're lucky to be growing up in a generation where you no longer need someone else to get the necessary information. I've been fixing computers and electronics since the 90s but I didn't start console modding until 2007/2008 just because there wasn't enough information available until around that time for all the consoles I'm interested in. I mean the internet certainly isn't perfect but it's a heck of a lot better than when I was a teenager. I understand if someone doesn't feel like spending hours teaching everything to beginners. The only time I get mad is when someone posts a guide for a mod that's wrong or doesn't work right.
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyMon Apr 23, 2012 1:43 pm

Well Drakon, of course I don't want people to leave my forum, I work hard to keep them to stay. (duh). A forum that wants to help and progress members rather than alienate them does have a tendency to keep members and want to keep them too. Your forum here is small, for a couple of good and valid reasons.

Modding-Halfling - given the sheer amount of hand-holding you've had from us, the loads of simple help and guides you've been given - a lot BTW including PMs too, and the wealth of information on the reference section on my forum that covers the majority of skills anyone needs for the project hobby; your view that given all this help, you still think everyone going out of their way to help you are "retarded", says more about you than the masses of people wanting to help you. No issue if you want to move away from MBB, or anywhere else, that is your choice, and given your comment, cheerio Modding-Halfling, enjoy your time here, you've made your decision! Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyMon Apr 23, 2012 8:07 pm

bacteria wrote:
Well Drakon, of course I don't want people to leave my forum, I work hard to keep them to stay. (duh). A forum that wants to help and progress members rather than alienate them does have a tendency to keep members and want to keep them too. Your forum here is small, for a couple of good and valid reasons.

Modding-Halfling - given the sheer amount of hand-holding you've had from us, the loads of simple help and guides you've been given - a lot BTW including PMs too, and the wealth of information on the reference section on my forum that covers the majority of skills anyone needs for the project hobby; your view that given all this help, you still think everyone going out of their way to help you are "retarded", says more about you than the masses of people wanting to help you. No issue if you want to move away from MBB, or anywhere else, that is your choice, and given your comment, cheerio Modding-Halfling, enjoy your time here, you've made your decision! Wink

laughing He never said anyone in specific is retarded and if he's expecting easy handouts he won't last too long here either. But you gotta admit there's a certain amount of people on the internet who make it sound like they know what they're talking about when really they don't. I think that's what modding-halfling meant and I don't think he said they came from your forum.
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyMon Apr 23, 2012 8:56 pm

Drakon wrote:
bacteria wrote:
Well Drakon, of course I don't want people to leave my forum, I work hard to keep them to stay. (duh). A forum that wants to help and progress members rather than alienate them does have a tendency to keep members and want to keep them too. Your forum here is small, for a couple of good and valid reasons.

Modding-Halfling - given the sheer amount of hand-holding you've had from us, the loads of simple help and guides you've been given - a lot BTW including PMs too, and the wealth of information on the reference section on my forum that covers the majority of skills anyone needs for the project hobby; your view that given all this help, you still think everyone going out of their way to help you are "retarded", says more about you than the masses of people wanting to help you. No issue if you want to move away from MBB, or anywhere else, that is your choice, and given your comment, cheerio Modding-Halfling, enjoy your time here, you've made your decision! Wink

laughing He never said anyone in specific is retarded and if he's expecting easy handouts he won't last too long here either. But you gotta admit there's a certain amount of people on the internet who make it sound like they know what they're talking about when really they don't. I think that's what modding-halfling meant and I don't think he said they came from your forum.

Exactly I mean mod retro entirely! I love mbb. I basically "grew up" with it. I've learned literally everything from mbb and I intend to stay there as well.

No harm done bac? I think this whole thing is quite funny because I literally meant NO ONE from mbb any harm! tongue just mod retro.
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyMon Apr 23, 2012 10:04 pm

Pointing fingers at MR isn't going to help you out a lot either, though I do agree they can be more abrasive to newbies than we are. Posted a reply to your apology thread at MBB. Sorry Drakon, don't mean to hijack your Intro topic. Let the intro's continue!
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyTue Apr 24, 2012 3:30 am

I certainly agree with you Drakon that a lot of information on the net is wrong, and most annoying when it is too, especially when modding less known systems. I've tried various things in the past suggested by people who claim to know the answers yet in reality, don't, especially on electronics stuff - wastes time and money buying bits that don't work. I think it fair to say that 100% of stuff in the reference section on my forum is "proof tested" and works though! lol

You are also right that a fair block on MBB is about portables, can't help that - there is a lot of general mod hacks too of course, and tried to diversify into other sections (with topic mods, etc) however limited interest, so MBB tends to be more "portable" related.
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyTue Apr 24, 2012 9:39 am

Downing wrote:
Pointing fingers at MR isn't going to help you out a lot either, though I do agree they can be more abrasive to newbies than we are. Posted a reply to your apology thread at MBB. Sorry Drakon, don't mean to hijack your Intro topic. Let the intro's continue!

hijack away man I don't see the point in making new topics for 1-2 posts.

And yeah bac when I said most places give the wrong information I didn't mean your forum....then again most of what I wanted to learn I didn't find on your forum anyway doh
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyTue Apr 24, 2012 10:41 am

Hello everyone! I come from the great lands of Modretro and Made-By-Bacteria. So far I've made one portable and I'm working on my second. Sometime in the future I would like to make a playstation 2 or xbox 360 laptop.
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyTue Apr 24, 2012 12:59 pm

skullkid875 wrote:
Hello everyone! I come from the great lands of Modretro and Made-By-Bacteria. So far I've made one portable and I'm working on my second. Sometime in the future I would like to make a playstation 2 or xbox 360 laptop.

That should be a fun challenge. Welcome to the forum pirat
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyTue Apr 24, 2012 1:41 pm

The stuff on my forum isn't overly technical, it isn't aimed for the expert modder like your good self who has the skills to decode data, and decode video signals; that's quite specialised. The stuff I like is more on the "replace that with this and solder that to there" approaches. That's why you didn't get a lot of stuff off MBB forum's reference section; you're geared at specific consoles and more technical modding, and cool you do because it's not an area many know about. Unfortunately, being that complex means few can copy the work though!
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyTue Apr 24, 2012 2:20 pm

bacteria wrote:
The stuff on my forum isn't overly technical, it isn't aimed for the expert modder like your good self who has the skills to decode data, and decode video signals; that's quite specialised. The stuff I like is more on the "replace that with this and solder that to there" approaches. That's why you didn't get a lot of stuff off MBB forum's reference section; you're geared at specific consoles and more technical modding, and cool you do because it's not an area many know about. Unfortunately, being that complex means few can copy the work though!

Yeah that's true. I like being technical.
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyTue Apr 24, 2012 7:32 pm

I'm not technical, most of my modding work is from common sense, a bit of innovation sometimes, logic, and being a bit cavalier sometimes! Gets the job done though!
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyTue Apr 24, 2012 10:27 pm

bacteria wrote:
I'm not technical, most of my modding work is from common sense, a bit of innovation sometimes, logic, and being a bit cavalier sometimes! Gets the job done though!

That's what probably separates you from other people you actually see the job through to the end. You don't say you're going to start a job and then never get anything done. You've been working on project insanity for goodness knows how long but you're still keeping at it so obviously you do have a passion for this hobby.
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 1:51 pm

Yes, mild Aspergers is a boon for this hobby! ability to research endlessly, focus for hours at a time on stuff, attention to detail and repetitive tasks are no issue; and desire to see a job through (I don't like to fail)!

Yes, about 1.5 years or so into my project and will persevere until it's done, hopefully by end of this year. I will succeed in it and see it to the end.

You're modding interests are more honed than mine as you're technically minded, which means the mods you do are things like hacks, programming hacks, working out circuits and wave patterns; stuff I can't do or want to (you're very good at that stuff!); in saying that, i've innovated quite a lot of stuff, including many concepts in my Unity project, so I invent as well as research and adapt stuff. We both love modding, and there are probably only less than 50 people on the net who are true modders, if that.
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 11:34 pm

Well said. I think you're much more innovative at case modding than me as you said I'm technical minded and things like costmetics are always in the back of my mind. I still remember being completely impressed by your portable I think it was a turbografx. That was the first time I saw a portable made out of a vacuum formed case and it really made your portable stand out at a time when not a whole lot of people were vacuum forming their cases. I mean now it's rare not to find someone building a case your way but I really thought of you as someone who pioneered this technique and that's how you first caught my attention. It says a lot when you do something that nobody else is doing. And this also shows that you think more outside the box than other people.
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyFri Apr 27, 2012 4:07 pm

i try to think just the right amount of outside the box, while staying close enough to the box so nothing goes wrong (except case making i really have fun with that Smile )
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PostSubject: Re: Introductions   Introductions EmptyFri Apr 27, 2012 5:11 pm

Modding-Halfling wrote:
i try to think just the right amount of outside the box, while staying close enough to the box so nothing goes wrong (except case making i really have fun with that Smile )

thinking outside the box isn't a bad thing just as long as you have a good enough grasp of how things work. If you understand how things work then you'll be able to know what far out ideas are possible and what aren't so you won't waste time on things that're impossible or next to impossible.

Sometimes having "imagination" is a good thing too. Like for me I set goals of things I wanted to do even though I knew that they were most likely never going to happen. I just casually studied the relative information in my spare time and slowly learned more and more about the things I was attempting to do. Next thing I knew I had accomplished pretty much all the ideas I had wanted to do and once thought they would never happen.

Having determination does help. But also it's good to study all possible options first because often there's an easier way to get something made / done.
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