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 Interesting places you bought your collection from?

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Join date : 2012-01-25
Location : Canada

Interesting places you bought your collection from? Empty
PostSubject: Interesting places you bought your collection from?   Interesting places you bought your collection from? EmptyFri Sep 21, 2012 7:22 pm

Most of my japanese gaming collectables naturally came from japan or the US but there's some interesting other places I've found some great gaming gear.

1: England, the japanese gaming collecting scene seems to thrive in the UK. I've bought many gaming items from England with hardly any troubles.

2: Spain. Okay Spain was a one-off because I was having a hard time finding a copy of verytex the game is pretty darn rare. The product showed up in great time and great condition, probably because the guy needs the money the Spanish economy is hurting.

3: Germany. It seems a lot of hard to find pal only release games can be found from German sellers.

4: Mexico. Dealing with mexicans was a failure they sent me the wrong game, I think it was an on-purpose scam. The game was a massive cps2 b board which wouldn't be worth paying the return shipping to get a refund. The seller also lied to me about mailing me the proper game and letting me keep the wrong one.
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Join date : 2012-03-04

Interesting places you bought your collection from? Empty
PostSubject: Australia.   Interesting places you bought your collection from? EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 12:34 pm

ive also bought quite a few pal games from Australia. never had a problem.
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Posts : 223
Join date : 2012-04-22
Age : 25
Location : Montezuma KS

Interesting places you bought your collection from? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interesting places you bought your collection from?   Interesting places you bought your collection from? EmptyTue Jan 01, 2013 12:59 pm

i bought a rare programmable n64 controller from uk. pretty rare controller. i dont use it, i just keep on a shelf to show off.
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Join date : 2012-03-04

Interesting places you bought your collection from? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interesting places you bought your collection from?   Interesting places you bought your collection from? EmptyFri Jun 21, 2013 3:36 pm

i bought a bunch of brand-new nintendo made snes snap in connectors from sweden.

I believe hes the only one anywhere thats currently selling them.

I wish i could find some original solder-in ones though in case i get another 1-chip thats had soda spilled in the cart slot.
the 3rd party ones leave a lot to be desired.

ive also bought plenty of console stuff on ebay from Japan. It almost always arrives quickly and in good shape, although many sellers are using a machine translator, so sometimes their messages arent easy to read.

same with buying from china, ive had all good experiences, although sometimes they send the wrong product, and communication isnt always there, but in every case another was quickly sent out.
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