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 Sega cd model 2 repair

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Sega cd model 2 repair Empty
PostSubject: Sega cd model 2 repair   Sega cd model 2 repair EmptyThu Jan 10, 2013 12:48 pm

Okay I fixed my sega cd completely. Keep in mind this's the first segacd I've ever seen and I just got it yesterday...like I was with the 32x guess I'm a fast learner. I bought this segacd on ebay (for really cheap) with it listed as "factory refurbrished, gauranteed to work". When I plugged it in and fired it up I was presented with this lovely scratching noise of the cd constantly scratching against the case as it spins, also it would get to the sonic shooting fireworks screen and then freeze. I tried some old audio cds and I only got one to actually play (while scratching against the case), it wasn't a burned cd, store bought one. First I needed to fix the scratching, I used some foam to raise the entire cd assembly and that worked, I found sticking some nice prop nuts looked nicer though (and won't ever depress in the future like foam will):

Sega cd model 2 repair Segacdassemblyraised

This cured the disc scratching against the case, then there was the issue of getting this sega cd to read discs. I managed to get a burned copy of final fight cd to load once every 50 or so times, the in-stage music wouldn't play though. I tried jeroi's "sensibility" pot that didn't do anything. Tiido said adjusting the other pots would brick my segacd for life and that I need a scope to adjust them properly. Since my segacd was already just a glorified cd player and I'd wind up sending it back to the seller anyway I decided to go against the warnings of tiido and mess with these pots anyway. The pots are numbered:

Sega cd model 2 repair Segacdpotsnumbered

Naturally I decided to start with #1. Turned it to the right, same thing as before, turned it to the left, whole thing worked like it's brand new. Since I have zero clue of what this pot actually does I turned it to left the minimal distance to get it running okay. Here's how the pots came:

Sega cd model 2 repair Segacdmainpotscircle

And here's how I set the pots to get it working:

Sega cd model 2 repair Segacdfixedpotscircle


Sega cd model 2 repair Drakonsegacd

Running like a champ:

Sega cd model 2 repair Segacdrunsgreat

For all I know pot #1 could adjust the laser strength so the less you need to turn it to get the thing working the longer the laser should last.
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Join date : 2012-03-04

Sega cd model 2 repair Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sega cd model 2 repair   Sega cd model 2 repair EmptyMon Sep 16, 2013 12:01 pm

Drakon wrote:
Okay I fixed my sega cd completely. Keep in mind this's the first segacd I've ever seen and I just got it yesterday...like I was with the 32x guess I'm a fast learner. I bought this segacd on ebay (for really cheap) with it listed as "factory refurbrished, gauranteed to work". When I plugged it in and fired it up I was presented with this lovely scratching noise of the cd constantly scratching against the case as it spins, also it would get to the sonic shooting fireworks screen and then freeze. I tried some old audio cds and I only got one to actually play (while scratching against the case), it wasn't a burned cd, store bought one. First I needed to fix the scratching, I used some foam to raise the entire cd assembly and that worked, I found sticking some nice prop nuts looked nicer though (and won't ever depress in the future like foam will):

Sega cd model 2 repair Segacdassemblyraised

This cured the disc scratching against the case, then there was the issue of getting this sega cd to read discs. I managed to get a burned copy of final fight cd to load once every 50 or so times, the in-stage music wouldn't play though. I tried jeroi's "sensibility" pot that didn't do anything. Tiido said adjusting the other pots would brick my segacd for life and that I need a scope to adjust them properly. Since my segacd was already just a glorified cd player and I'd wind up sending it back to the seller anyway I decided to go against the warnings of tiido and mess with these pots anyway. The pots are numbered:

Sega cd model 2 repair Segacdpotsnumbered

Naturally I decided to start with #1. Turned it to the right, same thing as before, turned it to the left, whole thing worked like it's brand new. Since I have zero clue of what this pot actually does I turned it to left the minimal distance to get it running okay. Here's how the pots came:

Sega cd model 2 repair Segacdmainpotscircle

And here's how I set the pots to get it working:

Sega cd model 2 repair Segacdfixedpotscircle


Sega cd model 2 repair Drakonsegacd

Running like a champ:

Sega cd model 2 repair Segacdrunsgreat

For all I know pot #1 could adjust the laser strength so the less you need to turn it to get the thing working the longer the laser should last.
i got my x eye working again by turning the pot on the pickup. not much of a mystery to it i just turned it slightly until it started to read again then i backed off of it until it would stop reading.

its been working for about 2 years now with no end in sight. ditto for model 1s.

i dont know why some people seem to think adjusting a laser is mysterious, "like youll burn it out man".

not unless you really tweak it.
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Posts : 571
Join date : 2012-03-04

Sega cd model 2 repair Empty
PostSubject: more sega cd model 2 repair.   Sega cd model 2 repair EmptySat Apr 25, 2015 1:13 pm

i just bought my first model 2 sega cd. The cd door wouldnt open, so i fixed it. I ended up adjusting the spring on the rear of the door to give it a lot more tension cause it was wore out. I also had to shave a hair off of the cd catch. it works like new now.

On to problem #2:

this sega cd Boots fine with the cover off, the door switch bypassed and the magnet on top of the cd.
Sega cd model 2 repair 1Dgk7ez Sega cd model 2 repair BvoEEYa

I havent seen this revision talked about yet. Im thinking that the cd drive is sitting a bit low, and its causing the cd to not boot when the cover is on. Id like to adjust the lens so its a bit closer. I heard that you can adjust one of the pots and make the laser closer.

Sega cd model 2 repair 6454MmH

which Brings me to this. I dont want to adjust the wrong one and have it not read at all.
What do these 3 pots do?

Sega cd model 2 repair RUbhayz

Nevermind. I got it working fine with the top on. It turns out the bearing or whatever in the lid is missing parts. when the lid itself was closed disc wouldnt spin.

I took all that out of the lid and it works fine. Only downside is that i have to place the magnet on the cd before i close the lid.

Ive got an idea for that though. I wonder if i could use a spindle out of a portable cd player that has the 3 ball bearings on it to hold the cd down like a sega saturn does.

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