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 Gameboy Dev Cart 2.0 with case.

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Gameboy Dev Cart 2.0 with case. Empty
PostSubject: Gameboy Dev Cart 2.0 with case.   Gameboy Dev Cart 2.0 with case. EmptyTue Mar 05, 2013 8:36 pm

Gameboy Dev Cart 2.0 with case. Devcart2front_1

Gameboy Dev Cart 2.0 with case. Devcart2back

Gameboy Dev Cart 2.0 with case. Devcart2sgb

Gameboy Dev Cart 2.0 with case. Devcarr2running

This cart features:

A mbc5 chip so it supports all gb / gbc games.
The largest size sram chip so any game can save.
Sram battery is socketed externally so it's easy to replace the sram battery if I need to.
Can use uv eproms up to 1 megabyte.
Can use flash chips up to 512 kilobytes.
Switch at the top to select between eprom / flash chip.
A crappy case to house all this funky stuff.
No extra hardware so the gameboy batteries should last as long as a normal cart.

It would be possible to support larger flash chips but those would be tsop and would require an adapter + extra wiring. If I wanted to make something for that I'd be better off making a completely new cart. This cart is perfect for dev work especially having the ability to use flash chips for quick re-writing. Swapping the game flash / eprom is just as easy as taking out / inserting a new cartridge.
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Gameboy Dev Cart 2.0 with case.
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