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 Forum Rules

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Posts : 1607
Join date : 2012-01-25
Location : Canada

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PostSubject: Forum Rules   Forum Rules EmptyFri May 31, 2013 9:28 am

People are allowed to make their own prices for custom work.  If there's one thing I encounter a lot of it's opinionated people who think that a certain modding price is "gouging".  People are allowed to ask for whatever price they want for custom work, in mod-work there is no such thing as "price gouging".  I will not tolerate someone posting that he/she thinks a price is too high.  If you don't agree with the price of something then please do the mod yourself or find someone who's cheaper, don't complain about the price.  Modding is a private business, the modder is allowed to ask for any price.  I won't tolerate any member posting that a price is unfair, people like that are what stop modding from progressing.

Post your questions / progress on the forum.  If you have a new topic to discuss either make a new thread yourself or ask someone who knows how to make one to make it for you.  Please don't send modding / tech support questions / updates by private message or e-mail.  There's nothing embarassing about being stuck on a project and asking for help so there should be no need to discuss it over private message instead of openly on the forum.  I actually get annoyed when someone asks me for tech help over private message or e-mail.  The whole point of having a forum is so people can read the questions and solutions.  If we discuss technical issues privately then nobody can read what we discussed and I'll continue getting asked the same questions endlessly.

Private messaging should only be used for "Private" matters.  I get an e-mail notification every time someone sends me a private message so I can reply instantly.  Unless it's a private business transaction or matter, I'd prefer you just post it on the forum so I can read and respond when I have time.  Abusing the private messaging or e-mail systems will just lead to people no longer responding to you.  Continued abuse of these systems will lead to people blocking you so you're no longer able to communicate this way with the person(s).

If you have any new information to add and your post is the last post in a thread, then please just edit the new information into the same post instead of making an entirely new post.  Here's the "edit" button for people who are unaware:

Forum Rules Ltu27Q1

Please, PLEASE have patience. We will read your posts and reply to them when we have time. People do not appreciate abuse of the private messaging system because you're too impatient to wait for us to have time to read and respond. If you continue being this impatient you'll find people will just stop responding and trying to help you. Posting one sentence at a time is another sign of impatience. The world won't crumble if you take some time to gather all of your thoughts before you write them down. I know the idea of free tech support is exciting. However, you're not paying anyone for this help so you should at least have a little patience.

We really want to help people in need.  People abusing private messaging systems to get their free answers faster probably will find they won't be getting any answers at all.  Please post your question / update on the forum and it will be responded to with a little patience.  The other situation where we may stop replying to a request for help is if we post a suggestion for a fix and that suggestion gets ignored yet the person continues asking for help.  I'm not going to kick people out unless they're being excessively abusive.  I don't expect everyone to automatically know these rules, I don't even expect every user to read these rules before they send messages or post.  If a user really becomes a problem I'll be sure to give that user fair warning.  Don't feel embarassed if you break the rules by accident, I never assume a user is being annoying on purpose.  If you truly want technical help we will be happy to provide it to people who can patiently wait for a response and don't ignore our suggestions.  If you're too impatient to wait for people to respond when they have time and / or you ignore their suggestions, you'll find these people will just stop responding to you.  You probably won't get kicked out if you act like this but you'll find that people will naturally stop trying to help you.
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