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Join date : 2013-06-12

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PostSubject: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptyWed Jun 12, 2013 12:42 am

I'm powerofrecall, real name Dustin, live in central Illinois, USA. I'm going on 30 years old, love 16 bit era gaming SNES/Genesis, more of a Sega guy.

I do some hobby coding on Genesis and a little modding too. I'm not too bad with a soldering iron. My re-capped, svideo modded Model 1, VA3, no-TMSS Sega Genesis is my pride and joy followed by my sexy svideo SNES Jr.. I don't have a huge genesis library--maybe 50 carts?--and it's mostly loose carts (from my childhood, where I lost a ton of the cases...!). Same with SNES, and I'm hoping to get more into SNES. I hope to show off some of my hobby genesis homebrew eventually but I'm kind of at a loss for what to code. I have good knowledge of C, some C++ (basically the object oriented stuff) and I'm getting better at 68000 assembly all the time.

Other 16 bit era stuff I do: I upload clean high quality hardware recordings of Sega Genesis music on my youtube channel. I am considering doing Let's Plays eventually if I can get myself a decent quality capture device. I'm really into FM synth and music in general and have put out some EPs and an album of stuff that I'll link if anyone is interested.

I'm basically here because I'd like to be on a 16 bit/retro forum that isn't filled with horribly rude, possibly autistic people trying to one-up each other all the time (I won't mention any names but the Sega community in particular suffers from this problem very badly).

Hi everyone!
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Age : 38
Location : Saskatchewan, Canada

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PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptyWed Jun 12, 2013 1:09 am

Welcome! Smile

powerofrecall wrote:

I won't mention any names but the Sega community in particular suffers from this problem very badly
I blame Blast Processing.
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Location : Canada

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PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptyWed Jun 12, 2013 7:38 am

powerofrecall wrote:
Hi everyone!


powerofrecall wrote:
Other 16 bit era stuff I do: I upload clean high quality hardware recordings of Sega Genesis music on my youtube channel. I am considering doing Let's Plays eventually if I can get myself a decent quality capture device. I'm really into FM synth and music in general and have put out some EPs and an album of stuff that I'll link if anyone is interested.

When you say "let's play" do you mean those videos where someone is playing a game and recording his annoying voice with a mic while playing?  There's nothing I find more annoying than hearing someone talk to himself while watching gameplay footage.  I'm a much bigger fan of just standard gameplay footage without the added nerd voice.

powerofrecall wrote:
I'm basically here because I'd like to be on a 16 bit/retro forum that isn't filled with horribly rude, possibly autistic people trying to one-up each other all the time (I won't mention any names but the Sega community in particular suffers from this problem very badly).

I don't care if you mention specific forums and bash things.  You're allowed to have an opinion here.  Personally I find sega16 to be pretty tame as far as forums go so I hope that's not the place you're inferring.
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PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptyWed Jun 12, 2013 10:51 am

Grambo wrote:
Welcome! Smile

powerofrecall wrote:

I won't mention any names but the Sega community in particular suffers from this problem very badly

I blame Blast Processing.

I blame Canadians.
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Join date : 2013-06-12

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PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptyWed Jun 12, 2013 12:43 pm

Drakon wrote:
powerofrecall wrote:
Hi everyone!


powerofrecall wrote:
Other 16 bit era stuff I do: I upload clean high quality hardware recordings of Sega Genesis music on my youtube channel. I am considering doing Let's Plays eventually if I can get myself a decent quality capture device. I'm really into FM synth and music in general and have put out some EPs and an album of stuff that I'll link if anyone is interested.

When you say "let's play" do you mean those videos where someone is playing a game and recording his annoying voice with a mic while playing?  There's nothing I find more annoying than hearing someone talk to himself while watching gameplay footage.  I'm a much bigger fan of just standard gameplay footage without the added nerd voice.

powerofrecall wrote:
I'm basically here because I'd like to be on a 16 bit/retro forum that isn't filled with horribly rude, possibly autistic people trying to one-up each other all the time (I won't mention any names but the Sega community in particular suffers from this problem very badly).

I don't care if you mention specific forums and bash things.  You're allowed to have an opinion here.  Personally I find sega16 to be pretty tame as far as forums go so I hope that's not the place you're inferring.

Oh my god agreed. What I was thinking would be something like a longplay/walkthrough type video thing maybe with some talking but only if necessary to explain something. Or possibly doing it like a "host" and having segments between gameplay footage but no talking during the gameplay itself giving people the option to skip them. I don't exactly have a golden voice. My idea was really more to counteract bad "let's plays" where a nerd just babbles over a video game played on an emulator--to actually make the videos worth something or useful to someone. Anyway, it'll all have to wait until I can get a capture card. No way am I bothering with an emulator.

As far as sega16, you're right, it's not the worst place though it has its share of abrasive users. I really did mean the sega community in general seems to be full of self-righteous dorks getting into petty slapfights about unimportant things all the time. It's tiring. I realize we're all probably not the "coolest" people but some people lack even basic social skills.
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PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptyWed Jun 12, 2013 3:31 pm

Annotations are your silent friend and mine!


Pausing the gameplay to talk wouldn't bother me so much I guess.

Also don't worry about lack of social skills here.  If someone acts like that here I warn the person to stop and make fun of the person until he leaves.  I've never had to ban someone luckily.

Last edited by Drakon on Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptyWed Jun 12, 2013 4:05 pm

Drakon wrote:
Annotations are your silent friend and mine!

I still blame Canadians.
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PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptyWed Jun 12, 2013 8:45 pm

Drakon wrote:
Annotations are your silent friend and mine!

I looked into it and now that youtube has actual subtitle support, so you can upload a whole set of subtitles, this would probably be the way to go, making it optional.

Also, good to hear. Looking around it seems like no one who posts here is a huge jerk or anything. I don't mind opinionated people though.
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PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptyWed Jun 12, 2013 10:28 pm

powerofrecall wrote:
Drakon wrote:
Annotations are your silent friend and mine!

I looked into it and now that youtube has actual subtitle support, so you can upload a whole set of subtitles, this would probably be the way to go, making it optional.

Also, good to hear. Looking around it seems like no one who posts here is a huge jerk or anything. I don't mind opinionated people though.
Yeah I make jerks / stupid people leave by pointing out their shortcomings.  I actually enjoy watching a playthrough with annotations but the voice recordings being mixed in are the most annoying things ever.
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Join date : 2013-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptyFri Jun 14, 2013 12:33 am

Not a big fan of LP with voice overs either but some are good.  Im not totally opposed to the concept. Ive watched some that I liked.
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