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 2002 Cavalier Passlock Hack

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Join date : 2013-01-30
Age : 38
Location : Saskatchewan, Canada

2002 Cavalier Passlock Hack Empty
PostSubject: 2002 Cavalier Passlock Hack   2002 Cavalier Passlock Hack EmptySun Jun 23, 2013 2:47 pm

I know this is pretty unrelated to video gaming, but Drakon posts things like his furnace build, so I thought this would be OK Smile
The following applies to all GM Cavaliers and Sunfires with manual transmissions, 2000-2005.

2002 Cavalier Passlock Hack 30g6
Normally, replacing the ignition cylinder is easy. All you have to do is turn the cylinder to the "Run" position, press a button and the cylinder will slide right out.
The pin and tumbler system in my ignition fell apart, rendering me completely unable to turn my key in the ignition.

I tried taking my ignition switch off and start it with a screwdriver. The security bits that the ignition switch mounts with uses 3.8mm Gamebit screws. HAH! Who knew??
Here's the ignition switch on the left side of the steering column.
2002 Cavalier Passlock Hack Pnv9
After removing the switch, I turned it with a screwdriver, but within 2 seconds, the ECU immediately turns off the fuel system and the theft lock security dash indicator came on.
I wonder how the ECU knows something's wrong. Hmmmm....

Anyways, time to get to work. I snapped 8 drill bits getting the ignition cylinder out. I certainly wasn't having any luck with the hardened steel, so I had to drill out everything around it. Took me a long time. This thing sure was designed to NOT be drilled out:
2002 Cavalier Passlock Hack 44p8
Finally got you out, you sonuvabitch.

Here's the plug (center rotating part of the cylinder):
2002 Cavalier Passlock Hack Gpyc
Is that a magnet I see?

There's a small plastic housing attached to the cylinder with wires going to it. Naturally, I bust it open.
2002 Cavalier Passlock Hack 6iej2002 Cavalier Passlock Hack 50l
Oh look! A magnetic switch! I busted a surface mount capacitor when I opened the plastic housing, so I had to replace that, crudely, with my butane soldering iron. After some research, I find that the ECU just simply looks for a particular resistance value before allowing the car to start (or rather, allow the car's fuel system to run). Apparently, you can make the ECU "relearn" a new resistance by:

  • Starting from the off position.

  • Attempt to start the engine, then release the key to Run position (vehicle will not start).

  • Observe the security light located in the instrument cluster, after approximately 10 minutes the security light will turn OFF. Turn OFF the ignition, and wait 5 seconds.

  • The vehicle is now ready to relearn the Passlock Sensor Data Code and/or passwords on the next ignition switch transition from OFF to CRANK.

The vehicle learns the Passlock Sensor Data Code and/or resistance on the next ignition switch transition from OFF to CRANK. You must turn the ignition OFF before attempting to start the vehicle.

My new (temporary) key consists of a fridge magnet and a flathead Craftsman screwdriver. Success!
2002 Cavalier Passlock Hack V3op2002 Cavalier Passlock Hack Lzbs
Another note, the part I'm turning with the screwdriver both deactivates the mechanical steering wheel lock (a pin that prevents the wheel from turning) and, in turn, rotates the ignition switch.

To summarize, because of the hardened steel and the steering lock pin, this actually makes this car rather difficult to steal and run away with quickly.
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Join date : 2012-01-25
Location : Canada

2002 Cavalier Passlock Hack Empty
PostSubject: Re: 2002 Cavalier Passlock Hack   2002 Cavalier Passlock Hack EmptyMon Jun 24, 2013 11:38 am

Post any project I don't mind.  I had an old car where we just ripped out the key thing completely and I started it with a screwdriver until that started to become unreliable so I finally replaced it.

Still this is wayyyy cooler than what I did.
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