Starfox 1 deluxe overclocked I used a pre-modded board I had laying around:
The game runs fine at 53 mhz. I cleared route 1 no problem, will playtest the other two routes when I get time.
Next up are 2x deluxe overclocked starfox 2 carts. I started with virgin donor carts for this project. Maskroms desoldered with electrical tape keeping surrounding parts in place:
Wires cut, tinned and hand soldered:
After testing confirmed it's working some hot glue and heatgun to make it smooth and flush so the dip chip fits nicely inside the case and nothing breaks or shorts:
Wired the eprom socket back up, wired up overclocking lines and the crystal oscillator with a voltage divider:
This cart is running happily at 51 mhz. Later I'll playtest the entire game and then remove the eprom socket and hard solder the chip in.