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 Sega genesis avenue pad

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Join date : 2012-01-25
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Sega genesis avenue pad Empty
PostSubject: Sega genesis avenue pad   Sega genesis avenue pad EmptyFri Sep 26, 2014 10:53 am

The controller I use to play sega genesis games is a converted 3 button pc engine avenue pad where I wired up the circuit of a sega genesis controller in a small external project box connected by ide wires.  I built this because I found the d-pad on this to be much more comfortable than a genesis controller.  After years of stress on the ide wires being pulled between the control pad and the project box one of the wires lost connectivity.  I replaced the broken wire and decided to do a more permanent installation by mounting the project box onto the back of the control pad so there's no longer any stress being put on the wires between the pad and the project box.

The project box already had holes for zip ties so I wouldn't need to glue anything down inside the box.  I put the back plate of the project box on the back of the control pad where it I want the project box to go (not covering any screwholes) and drilled holes through the back of the controller case so I can zip tie the two cases flush together and still zip tie the wires inside the project box so nothing wiggles apart.  I love finding ways to hold work together with zip ties because they're much easier to go back and change later than glue and unlike screws or bolts they won't come loose over time.  The cord gromet wouldn't fit in the project box because the inside of the project box is packed with the circuit of a sega genesis control pad.  The cord is firmly secure with the internal zip tie so nothing should wiggle apart.  Here's what it looks like assembled:

Sega genesis avenue pad 5QPruT2

Sega genesis avenue pad L21m8SM

Sega genesis avenue pad JkCpyqm

If I cut another hole between the cases I could feed the ide wires straight into the project box without them being external.  I'll probably do that later, that would look even nicer.
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Posts : 571
Join date : 2012-03-04

Sega genesis avenue pad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sega genesis avenue pad   Sega genesis avenue pad EmptySat Sep 27, 2014 11:06 am

Looks good.

btw when i solder i put a piece of 20" tile on my workbench. keeps it from getting burned. it also is nice because the solder doesnt stick to it so i can basically pick it up  and shake it off.

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Posts : 1607
Join date : 2012-01-25
Location : Canada

Sega genesis avenue pad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sega genesis avenue pad   Sega genesis avenue pad EmptySat Sep 27, 2014 7:04 pm

mvsfan wrote:
Looks good.

btw when i solder i put a piece of 20" tile on my workbench. keeps it from getting burned. it also is nice because the solder doesnt stick to it so i can basically pick it up  and shake it off.

That's a great idea.  I just scrape off solder with a large flat blade screwdriver.

I've since moved the wires so they don't come out so now the only thing coming out of the control pad is the black cord. I also removed the gromet.
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Sega genesis avenue pad Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sega genesis avenue pad   Sega genesis avenue pad Empty

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