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 Failmods! (beware)

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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyThu Feb 16, 2012 9:40 am

I used to think electromodder was pretty good at what he does....but then I saw this:

Failmods! (beware) Dsc01533z


The f#cking chinese takeout portable.

Don't get me wrong I think he's a nice dude but this portable seriously fails. Let's hope his next one is better (I don't think it's possible to get any worse than this so I can pretty much GAURANTEE that the next one will be better doh )

Really all this portable needs is a nicer case from the look of things.

Next up is a mod by a dude I have nothing but respect for, Downing:

Failmods! (beware) DSC_0219


The wall itself looks fine the thing that fails about this mod is the fact that you'd even think about using a PC in such a nasty basement environment. So the failure of this mod is simply the location. The pc area looks nice and everything around it looks like total @ss so it doesn't work at all.
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptySun Feb 19, 2012 10:10 pm

Failmods! (beware) Cover-image-how-to-win-friends-digital-age-10-27-11
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyMon Feb 20, 2012 10:03 am

The computer isn't actually down there, it's upstairs in a nice clean environment. All that's built into the wall is the monitor, speakers, along with the fold-down keyboard and mouse tray. I do 95% of my modding work at the bench right to the left, so in all acutality having this research tool right at point-of-use makes this one of the most practical mods I've done. Though I agree, it's not the prettiest thing to look at, but like you said, it's in a basement environment so really what's the point?

Just sayin.
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyMon Feb 20, 2012 10:16 am

Yeah man I understand why you built the pc stuff there. I just think your computer in a wall looks way too clean for that not so great basement. It just looks way too nice to be in a place like that. I sent the link to friends and they completely agreed with me. In fact I didn't even tell them that was my opinion and right away they were like "it would look great if it weren't in a nasty looking basement" laughing
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Electro Modder

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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyMon Feb 20, 2012 8:03 pm

...a bit harsh! I understand what you mean... it isn't the best-looking portable on the internet, but there are FAR worse looking portables than that! Why did you feel the need to single me out and insult my portable because I have made better-looking ones in the past? And who are you to judge, I don't see any portables made by you posted anywhere??? I used to respect you Drakon :L
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyMon Feb 20, 2012 10:24 pm

Don't get me wrong man I have nothing against you and I only posted my opinion here because I'm pretty sure nobody reads this forum. I've definitely seen worse, I just don't expect you to do worse with your next attempt.
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyMon Apr 23, 2012 9:04 pm

Vacuum forming and frank casing. Freaking magical ideas Wink
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyTue Apr 24, 2012 9:49 am

Modding-Halfling wrote:
Vacuum forming and frank casing. Freaking magical ideas Wink

wasn't bac like the original vacuum forming modder? If it were me I'd get lazy and pay someone else to build me a nice case probably.
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyTue Apr 24, 2012 1:37 pm

No, I wasn't the first one, a few were before me. I think the first to import the idea from the CNC forum, was Marshall (I think it was him).
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyTue Apr 24, 2012 2:21 pm

bacteria wrote:
No, I wasn't the first one, a few were before me. I think the first to import the idea from the CNC forum, was Marshall (I think it was him).

Okay fine you're the first person who made something awesome / popular using vacuum forming. I'm still kind of not sure what to think of marshallh just because he posted the "here's how to overclock your superfx cart" guide that was completely wrong. And then someone posted on assembler that he tried the marshallh mod and had the same results as me. And then on assembler all they could do was insult me and say marshallh is god. But of course you know all that you were there.
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 1:43 pm

Never a good idea to promote debate about individuals or their skills, as you know.

Like anything else, people have a time they are in fashion and popular, and then fade into obscurity; sometimes the light burns brighter than other times and sometimes the light goes out, or gets rekindled. Most people who want to be modders, don't, so have no "light" only stay on the sidelines.
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 10:57 pm

lol i look at modding like doing hurdles in track. if i dont push my self past my boundries to get over the hurdle (im only 5"1') then ive not only failed me but ive failed my school as well. hence if i dont push myself to doing as much work and as much research as possible on my mods, ill never amount to anything and ill disapoint not only me but everyone who looks up to me at school (science teacher and some really...how do i say this politley...dumb kids?)

moddings not just something you can pick up right off that bat and be good at. it takes tons of practice, and a desire to want to accomplish something for yourself.

modding isnt just a hobby. if your a serious modder then your a modder. but if its just some hobby on the sidelines of everything else theni wouldnt consider you a modder. more of a hobbiest than anything else.

yep. im 13 and i proved a point. (in your face Michelle Obama)
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 11:48 pm

Modding-Halfling wrote:
lol i look at modding like doing hurdles in track. if i dont push my self past my boundries to get over the hurdle (im only 5"1') then ive not only failed me but ive failed my school as well. hence if i dont push myself to doing as much work and as much research as possible on my mods, ill never amount to anything and ill disapoint not only me but everyone who looks up to me at school (science teacher and some really...how do i say this politley...dumb kids?)

moddings not just something you can pick up right off that bat and be good at. it takes tons of practice, and a desire to want to accomplish something for yourself.

modding isnt just a hobby. if your a serious modder then your a modder. but if its just some hobby on the sidelines of everything else theni wouldnt consider you a modder. more of a hobbiest than anything else.

yep. im 13 and i proved a point. (in your face Michelle Obama)

i more meant along the lines of say, just doing modding for media attention and stuff like that. yes rent and stuff like that, but you know wht i meant Wink
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 11:49 pm

Well you're only 13 you're saying this now but someday when you have to pay rent and such you'll see why modding can't always be a priority. But if I look back at my life I've been modding and building stuff since early elementary school so...yeah....I think most of modding IS research. When I was a kid the internet didn't exist and when it eventually came around it wasn't too useful until it had been around for maybe a decade or so. So I wasn't able to work on foreign things like japanese consoles due to lack of information and parts.

I can see where you're coming from when you mention modding being like clearing hurdles. For me most of the time the hurdles I run at seem impossible. Then through an insane amount of research I've managed to pull off some things I thought never would be possible. Quite often I discover amazing mods by complete accident or from studying something that seemingly is unrelated (but can theoretically be applied to what I'm trying to do). I still remember my first semi big mod being wiring up an external rgb to s-video ecoder for my sega genesis. I really had no idea if wiring up an arcade rgb encoder would work with a genesis. I guess I figured that consoles are pretty similar to arcade hardware. Luckily the genesis turns out to have one of the most compatible rgb signals out there and the mod worked like a charm. It's always fun when you manage to use hardware in ways it was never intended to be used for.

Sometimes you never know until you try and it's kind of fun and exciting taking on something that's purely theoretical and hasn't really been done before or doesn't have any documentation proving it would work. Of course the KEY is to do LOTS of research beforehand because the better you understand the hardware the better chance you'll figure out if the idea is even technically possible before spending the money on it. Also troubleshooting becomes easier when you know your task really well.
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyThu Apr 26, 2012 3:40 am

The three of us are helping to make this forum increase it's post count quite substancially! lol

As Drakon says, when you get older Modding-Halfling, you'll have to get a job, have responsibilies, etc which you don't have now. Modding is a hobby, and treated as such it is fun and not a job. It takes a while to learn stuff for sure, and when you make anything, you realise you could have made it better, and next time, do - that's part of the evolution process in modding. Also, your techniques improve too. Being a modder isn't a case of having done it for years but it is a case of "getting your boots dirty" and doing, not just talking about it.
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyThu Apr 26, 2012 9:01 am

bacteria wrote:
The three of us are helping to make this forum increase it's post count quite substancially! lol

As Drakon says, when you get older Modding-Halfling, you'll have to get a job, have responsibilies, etc which you don't have now. Modding is a hobby, and treated as such it is fun and not a job. It takes a while to learn stuff for sure, and when you make anything, you realise you could have made it better, and next time, do - that's part of the evolution process in modding. Also, your techniques improve too. Being a modder isn't a case of having done it for years but it is a case of "getting your boots dirty" and doing, not just talking about it.

Yeah there's a lot of people out there who always say they're going to do stuff but never get around to it. There's also the people the clearly havn't researched their concept otherwise they realize it won't even be possible to build (99% not likely to happen type stuff).
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyThu Apr 26, 2012 9:04 am

yea bac lol funny part is i already have a job. thats why i cant get on until like 7 pm u.s. time. i live on a farm and i have to help with cattle. and chickens. and freakin cats... (my grandpa really likes cats) we have like 30 of them in the barn.

FAIL doh
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyThu Apr 26, 2012 2:16 pm

Modding-Halfling wrote:
yea bac lol funny part is i already have a job. thats why i cant get on until like 7 pm u.s. time. i live on a farm and i have to help with cattle. and chickens. and freakin cats... (my grandpa really likes cats) we have like 30 of them in the barn.

FAIL doh

Are you being serious? Somehow I never expected to see the farm life and modding worlds collide
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PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyFri Apr 27, 2012 9:22 am

yep i sure am serious. i hate farming let me tell you. it sucks but i make money. so it works. i use that money for my modding or other needs. i much more like electronics. ask around im pretty much the only kid in school who knows any of this stuff. my science teacher said he didnt know what capacitors and resistors and the such were until college and he just got out a year ago!(yes this is his first year of teaching...go me...) i just have pretty bad issues with audio... i just really cant figure it out... not my strong point... and since i have no one around me that knows what im doing, i must ask you guys on the forums.
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Failmods! (beware) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyFri Apr 27, 2012 10:17 am

Modding-Halfling wrote:
yep i sure am serious. i hate farming let me tell you. it sucks but i make money. so it works. i use that money for my modding or other needs. i much more like electronics. ask around im pretty much the only kid in school who knows any of this stuff. my science teacher said he didnt know what capacitors and resistors and the such were until college and he just got out a year ago!(yes this is his first year of teaching...go me...) i just have pretty bad issues with audio... i just really cant figure it out... not my strong point... and since i have no one around me that knows what im doing, i must ask you guys on the forums.

When I was your are forums didn't exist. I trial and errored most things as a kid. What exactly about audio do you have trouble with?
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PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyFri Apr 27, 2012 4:04 pm

Drakon wrote:

When I was your are forums didn't exist. I trial and errored most things as a kid. What exactly about audio do you have trouble with?

i just plane out dont understand it. Mad i mean i get how to trace back the connection and all. i will mess with it in a little bit and ask questions as i go along. wish me luck Shocked
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PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyFri Apr 27, 2012 5:09 pm

well...you can build audio amps....you can weaken audio with resistors....depending on the wattage of the resistor effects the audio differently....that's all I can think about it really.
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PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptySun Apr 29, 2012 9:54 pm

pretty much everything here fails:


Obviously the portable making community has come a long way since these early models. Good thing people learned from their mistakes.
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PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyMon Apr 30, 2012 5:03 am


If your interested in electronics, you should learn about transistors if you haven't already, they are very useful devices. That is good you know about resistors and capacitors though but any worthwhile circuit uses transistors, from amplifier circuits to digital circuits.
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PostSubject: Re: Failmods! (beware)   Failmods! (beware) EmptyMon Apr 30, 2012 9:05 am

yes i know about transistors as well. my science class teacher gave me an old college book of his ( he went to electronics school ) and he marked certain pages for me to read. or certain sections.

hes a pretty cool dude and he knows im smarter than half our school combined (we have a lot of really dumb jocks) he just really tries to make something of me.
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