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 Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case

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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 8:23 am

I have decided to do this as it seems to be that there's no way to get the amazing picture quality out of the SNES1 that the SNES2/mini/Jr. has. The reason I am putting it in the model 1 case is simply because the model 1 is the one I grew up with, and all my friends think the model 2 is a clone/fake.

Here is what I got so far:

Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case OJOZU

So the cartridge port lines up perfectly with the screws on the sides of the cartridge port that holds it into the bottom shell. I popped the eject button in and it ejected games perfectly!

I have to wire the front controller port from the model 1 to the motherboard of the model 2. Should be very easy. I plan on removing the connector ports on the front of the SNES2 motherboard and soldering directly from the pads on the back of the PCB that's attached to the model 1's controller ports that you see in the bottom of the picture. The ribbon cable will be useless now.

(by the way, if anyone is wondering about all the wires, it's RGB modded, s-video modded, and optical audio modded).

The power switch and reset switch are in two completely different sections of the motherboard, so I have to tinker a bit to get that working. The power switch should be easy; it seems like I just need to solder the switch from the model 1 to two points on the underside of the model 2 where the power switch resides. The reset switch will probably have to be de-soldered then ran with wires and glued to the top part of the system right under the reset switch for it to work.

The few things I can't figure out: how would I go about getting the red power bulb to turn on and off? I can't tell how it's wired up on the front controller PCB thing.

How should I go about getting the Multi AV Out and the power port on the back of the system? I considered just running the AV cable right to the inside of the shell but that's not very practical as the system then becomes a huge pain if I simply want to unplug it, not to mention the multi AV port will not fit in the tight spot between the back of the SNES2 and the back of the SNES1 shell.

Hoping this goes well so I can have the "beauty" of the SNES1 with the picture quality of the SNES mini!
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 8:26 am

The snes controller ports have a pin with voltage. The pcb on the front uses this voltage to power the on LED. So you don't have to do any special wiring to get it going. All these consoles don't supply 5v from the regulator to the entire system until the power switch is on. The LED is on that same circuit.

You can desolder the back plate of the snes 2 to create more space for the model 1 back plate. It'll be a pain but it's doable. Then just glue a multi av port and power jack into the model 1 plate and wire.

Also you probably want to disconnect the model 1 controller port ribbon cable at the controller port pcb instead of at the snes pcb spot like you did in this picture.
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 8:40 am

Drakon wrote:
The snes controller ports have a pin with voltage. The pcb on the front uses this voltage to power the on LED. So you don't have to do any special wiring to get it going. All these consoles don't supply 5v from the regulator to the entire system until the power switch is on. The LED is on that same circuit.

You can desolder the back plate of the snes 2 to create more space for the model 1 back plate. It'll be a pain but it's doable. Then just glue a multi av port and power jack into the model 1 plate and wire.

Also you probably want to disconnect the model 1 controller port ribbon cable at the controller port pcb instead of at the snes pcb spot like you did in this picture.

Drakon wrote:

You can desolder the back plate of the snes 2 to create more space for the model 1 back plate. It'll be a pain but it's doable. Then just glue a multi av port and power jack into the model 1 plate and wire.

I don't even really need to desolder the back plate of the SNES2; there's plenty of room for the SNES1 back plate. I can't seem to even get the model 1 back plate off, though! I unscrewed everything, desoldered everything, and then the DC in makes it impossible to remove the plastic. It grabs onto the plastic and it doesn't seem to want to come off. I even stuck tiny flatheads in there to try and pry it off.

And when I glue these back ports to the back, where do they connect to? Do I use the model 1's DC port, or the model 2's? Or does it not matter? How do I get the DC port to extend to where the back of the SNES2 motherboard is? Just run wire from it?
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 8:44 am

Just desolder the dc plug that's how I get nes 2 / av famicom back plates off. Yes just connect wires from the power port of the model 1 plate to the model 2 pcb it's just two wires voltage and ground. I've wired a number of systems this way it works fine. At one point I lost my snes power brick so I wired my snes to have both a snes power plug and a nes plug so I could use either a snes brick or a nes one. Of course I recommend gluing the wires in place after soldering as they're the main power wires for the system.
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 9:10 am

Drakon wrote:
Just desolder the dc plug that's how I get nes 2 / av famicom back plates off. Yes just connect wires from the power port of the model 1 plate to the model 2 pcb it's just two wires voltage and ground. I've wired a number of systems this way it works fine. At one point I lost my snes power brick so I wired my snes to have both a snes power plug and a nes plug so I could use either a snes brick or a nes one. Of course I recommend gluing the wires in place after soldering as they're the main power wires for the system.

Awesome! I had no idea I could use solder wire for that. For some reason, I thought 26 awg wire or whatever I use for my soldering would not be enough to take care of the voltage or whatever!
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 9:34 am

Uhm have you never looked at the average power brick? Most bricks have pretty thin wires going from the transformer into whatever it goes into. It doesn't take a big wire for 10v 850 ma. You can use thick wire if you really want but I used old ide wire and it worked. Keep in mind I didn't leave it running for any extended period of time using this wire but I don't see why it would be a problem the wire inside the nes / snes adapter isn't much bigger.

Last edited by Drakon on Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 9:34 am

Drakon, since you're the king of modding, I take it you have tried this mod before? Was wondering if you found any way to secure the SNES2 motherboard inside the SNES1 shell other than by the two cartridge screws. Just a bit worried about the board flexing too much when pushing a game in because there's nowhere else it's secured. No other screw holes line up.
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 9:35 am

OnyxDomain wrote:
Drakon, since you're the king of modding, I take it you have tried this mod before? Was wondering if you found any way to secure the SNES2 motherboard inside the SNES1 shell other than by the two cartridge screws. Just a bit worried about the board flexing too much when pushing a game in because there's nowhere else it's secured. No other screw holes line up.

Hot glue around the pcb edges for the win cool
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 10:22 am

Drakon wrote:
OnyxDomain wrote:
Drakon, since you're the king of modding, I take it you have tried this mod before? Was wondering if you found any way to secure the SNES2 motherboard inside the SNES1 shell other than by the two cartridge screws. Just a bit worried about the board flexing too much when pushing a game in because there's nowhere else it's secured. No other screw holes line up.

Hot glue around the pcb edges for the win cool

I just bought a hot glue gun but I thought hot glue is very easy to move? Like the kind you can just pick off with your finger even when it's dry.
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 1:15 pm

I have an SNES 2. I should probably do something different that you and NeX:

I would like a portable though.
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 11:28 pm

OnyxDomain wrote:
Drakon wrote:
OnyxDomain wrote:
Drakon, since you're the king of modding, I take it you have tried this mod before? Was wondering if you found any way to secure the SNES2 motherboard inside the SNES1 shell other than by the two cartridge screws. Just a bit worried about the board flexing too much when pushing a game in because there's nowhere else it's secured. No other screw holes line up.

Hot glue around the pcb edges for the win cool

I just bought a hot glue gun but I thought hot glue is very easy to move? Like the kind you can just pick off with your finger even when it's dry.

I love hot glue if you use enough of it the object is really solid. But it's still weak enough that you can heat it up with a soldering iron or a glue gun to remove it later if you need to. Think of hot glue as strong enough, not too weak, but not too strong either.

I still think that nex mod is the most amazing thing ever...
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyFri May 04, 2012 10:39 am

I haven't updated this thread because the project was both a huge failure and huge success at the same time.

A success in that I got everything perfect. Even the eject, reset, and power buttons worked flawlessly.

Except...my SNES 2 was digital audio optical modded. And while I was doing this mod, the solder points came off. Which wasn't a big deal, I'd just have to attach the points again.

Except, has anyone here seen the size of the pins on the 1chip? They are the smallest solder pins I've ever seen in my life. And you have to do three of them RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER. So even if you are lucky enough to get one, you have to somehow make sure while soldering the other 2 in, it doesn't heat up the first wire enough to make it detach. So after a few hours of not getting it to solder properly, I bridges two pins by accident. Tried removing the bridge, it didn't work. Smoke came up when I turned the damn SNES 2 on. I'm so pissed and embarrassed at the same time! My "case swap" was finished and working! Damn it!

So now I have to do this again, with another poor SNES 2 motherboard (aka the best SNES motherboard). Drakon, what was going to be your method for the reset switch when you were contemplating this mod? I was just going to desolder it, extend where it is with wire, and then glue it to where the SNES1 reset switch usually sits. Was wondering if you had a better idea.

Also, does the mod look like something you can do?


Personally that diagram is totally worthless to me. I need photos of the motherboard showing what goes where.
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyFri May 04, 2012 6:09 pm

Yeah I was just going to add wires between the pcb and the reset switch and mount it on some breadboard then glue it in the right spot. I would do that audio mod if there was an actual schematic but there isn't. Also I'd need you to get your hands on whatever chip he uses (and it would have to be working). I can read it more carefully later I'm resting now I was working like mad all day to discover that the recent batch of cxa2075 encoders I bought are all defective.

Becuase I like you and we've had such a great working relationship in the past I'll definitely give it a serious look. Meanwhile if you could dig up any information regarding this mod and post it in a new thread that would really help me.
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyFri May 04, 2012 7:40 pm

Quote :

I love hot glue if you use enough of it the object is really solid. But it's still weak enough that you can heat it up with a soldering iron or a glue gun to remove it later if you need to. Think of hot glue as strong enough, not too weak, but not too strong either.

I love hot glue. And gorilla glue

(failed quote lol)

*drakon edit quote fixed*
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptySat May 05, 2012 10:17 am

I just realized something...I don't have any audio equipment that accepts spdif....unless my sound blaster audigy 1 mp3+ somehow does but I've never found that feature. My stereo amp is from 1979 so that definitely won't use it. So even if I found enough information to do the spdif mod I'd have nothing to test it with...unless you want to mail me something I could test it with.
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyThu Oct 11, 2012 6:57 pm

i never noticed a bad picture out of my snes. it is a late revision model 1, almost right before the model 2 came out, without the seperate sound module. i dont remember if its a 1 chip or not its been a while since ive opened it.

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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyThu Oct 11, 2012 6:59 pm

mvsfan wrote:
i never noticed a bad picture out of my snes. it is a late revision model 1, almost right before the model 2 came out, without the seperate sound module. i dont remember if its a 1 chip or not its been a while since ive opened it.

another nice side effect is that the plastic has never yellowed. they fixed it by then.
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyThu Oct 11, 2012 7:32 pm

[quote="mvsfan"][quote="mvsfan"]i never noticed a bad picture out of my snes. it is a late revision model 1, almost right before the model 2 came out, without the seperate sound module. i dont remember if its a 1 chip or not its been a while since ive opened it.

Update: it started bugging me so i just opened it. It has seperate ppus and cpu, also, the motherboard says SNS-CPU-APU-01 1995 nintendo

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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyThu Oct 11, 2012 7:59 pm

mvsfan wrote:
i never noticed a bad picture out of my snes. it is a late revision model 1, almost right before the model 2 came out, without the seperate sound module. i dont remember if its a 1 chip or not its been a while since ive opened it.

Watch this video in 720p. The right screen is the s-video from a non-modified old style ppu snes (like your system). The left screen is the s-video from my snes mini with the revision 2 ppu using the sony cxa2075 video encoder.
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyThu Oct 11, 2012 8:24 pm

Drakon wrote:
mvsfan wrote:
i never noticed a bad picture out of my snes. it is a late revision model 1, almost right before the model 2 came out, without the seperate sound module. i dont remember if its a 1 chip or not its been a while since ive opened it.

Watch this video in 720p. The right screen is the s-video from a non-modified old style ppu snes (like your system). The left screen is the s-video from my snes mini with the revision 2 ppu using the sony cxa2075 video encoder.

i definately see a difference there. i just looked at my snes next to that video of a link to the past. the one on the left is definately better.

i went and checked my snes against it, and i already adjusted it to my liking mine is somewhere inbetween those two caps. this wega has 3 different preset color modes and 3 sharpness modes. as well as being able to adjust rgb individually in the service menu.

i wish i knew how to adjust the sync though. (cough nes cough)
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyThu Oct 11, 2012 8:27 pm

im finished with my snes, im very happy with it.

its already got a better picture than i had ever thought you could get from an snes.
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyThu Oct 11, 2012 8:33 pm

up until a couple years ago i was still playing through composite.

i had always thought that they should have come out with a better 2d system with sharper graphics, instead of the lousy n64, and this running the snes on component has definately satisfied that idea.

the saturn does too. it is breathtaking in component.
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptyWed Jan 02, 2013 11:50 am

mvsfan wrote:
i never noticed a bad picture out of my snes. it is a late revision model 1, almost right before the model 2 came out, without the seperate sound module. i dont remember if its a 1 chip or not its been a while since ive opened it.

Update: it started bugging me so i just opened it. It has seperate ppus and cpu, also, the motherboard says SNS-CPU-APU-01 1995 nintendo

Further Update: SNES-CPU-1CHIP-01 Is king. Its a 1-chip model 1 snes, has video on par with the Snes 2, and as an added bonus, everything is already hooked up under the hood, just plug in your scart cable and GO!.

This is a nice solution for the model 2 board not quite fitting in a model 1 case. Nice project, though.

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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptySun Jun 30, 2013 3:43 pm

the snes 1-chip in a model 1 case - Simplified.
[url=Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case AbPZOAn
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Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case   Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case EmptySun Jun 30, 2013 4:16 pm

mvsfan wrote:
the snes 1-chip in a model 1 case - Simplified.Putting an SNES2 motherboard in an SNES1 case AbPZOAn

Getting the point of the thread fail.
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