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 Great sources of gaming hardware and software information

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Join date : 2012-01-25
Location : Canada

Great sources of gaming hardware and software information Empty
PostSubject: Great sources of gaming hardware and software information   Great sources of gaming hardware and software information EmptyThu Oct 24, 2013 9:01 am

Over time I've gotten a lot of help from some great people with projects.  I wanted to list a couple of websites that I found to be very generous and helpful.  Here's some of my favourites:

#1 Nesdev:





I've never seen a better collection of technical data of the NES and brilliant minds working together freely to come up with so many great hardware and software ideas.  This is the go-to website and forum where you find some of the greatest minds in the retro improvement scene working together and often generously giving out free help.  I've received some great help from forum members on nesdev and I have nothing but respect for a lot of the forum members as most of them have made some of the coolest hardware and software modifications.

#2 no$cash


I've used the free technical information posted on this website to help with a couple of really great projects.  The superfx opcode information was used to help reprogram superfx games to overclock faster.  The gameboy "pandocs" is where I learned most of the information to help reprogram gbcolorizer colorized black and white gameboy games to actually run on real hardware.

Both of these websites are very technical, but they contain some of the most helpful information and some of the best minds in figuring out ways to manipulate and often improve on classic hardware and software.
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Great sources of gaming hardware and software information
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