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 Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom

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Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom Empty
PostSubject: Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom   Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom EmptyWed Oct 30, 2013 3:09 am

So, when I went to order one of viletim's NESRGB boards I decided it needs to go in the ultimate NES system when it arrives. What constitutes an ultimate NES system you ask? One that natively supports both NES and Famicom games and looking classy while doing it.

Here's some pics of the work along the way with some descriptions: https://imgur.com/a/bvSgi
Here's a video of it in action too:

The short version is I took a famicom converter from a copy of gyromite and wired it up to the NES 72-pin connector, and then mounted it on there too so it's all one removable unit. I carefully cut out a cart slot on top and used some dust covers from a dead N64 that I trimmed up to fit. While I was at it I also trimmed back the NES 72-pin connector and soldered a new regular card edge style connector onto it (I used this one: http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/5530843-8/A31721-ND/770547). I'm pondering adding a DB15 port so Famicom accessories can be used, but I don't currently own any so I'm in no rush (and I can't think of a good aesthetically pleasing please to mount it).

I think it all worked out pretty well and now I'm just waiting on the RGB board so I can install it Smile
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Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom Empty
PostSubject: Re: Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom   Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom EmptyWed Oct 30, 2013 7:44 am

Wow that's a super nice install. I wonder if it's possible to wire up a switch so you can leave the nes cart inserted and just hit the switch to change between nes and famicom carts.
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Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom Empty
PostSubject: Re: Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom   Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom EmptyWed Oct 30, 2013 8:24 am

That's really impressive. How did you cut it so cleanly? I can't believe how well the N64 flaps worked out.
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Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom Empty
PostSubject: Re: Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom   Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom EmptyWed Oct 30, 2013 4:37 pm

Grambo wrote:
That's really impressive. How did you cut it so cleanly? I can't believe how well the N64 flaps worked out.
It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be but it did take some patience.

1.) I measured how big the cart slot hole needed to be, where it needed to be, then marked it in pencil.

2.) I used dremel multipurpose cutting bit to rough out the hole (and I do mean rough. I didn't get that close to the edges at all).

3.) Now I had room to fit a round sanding bit in and I used that to sand down to the edges, being more careful as I got closer to the edges. Just be sure not to turn the dremel speed up too high or the sanding bit will basically melt the plastic from all the friction rather than sanding it.

4.) I have a set of large and small files that I used next to file everything where it needed to be. This made the edges more consistent and was pretty much required for things such as the back corners since the round sanding bit wouldn't get me that 90 degree angle

5.) Once the slot has taken the proper shape, keep trying to insert a game in it to see which places are obstructing it from going in smoothly. an important tip is to use various sized carts. Initially I had it where famicom games using the generic mutli-colored shells would fit, but not Konami style shells. I'm actually going to have to go back and file a little bit more because I found out that Megami Tensei 2 (Namco style shell) is a tight fit and Lagrange Point won't fit at all.

The N64 dust covers did work pretty well. All I really had to do with them was sand/file a little bit off the left and right on the raised parts (that fit in the cart slot) so it would fit. As for mounting the dust covers, I should've taken a pic of it before putting everything back together. Showing it would be easier than explaining it, but I'll try. It's kinda ghetto, but effective. Originally I planned on using epoxy, but I decided against that because If I messed that up it would be a pain to fix. So how did I end up mounting it? Hot glue and tin foil! I cut out some small pieces of tin foil to wrap cleanly around the round plastic "pins" on the dust flaps where they rotate when opening and closing. The purpose of that is so I can place the dust flaps where they go, then put hot glue on the ends where the tin foil is. This will hold the dust flaps in place and the tin foil being there allows the dust flap pins to rotate inside the tin foil. If i'd hot glued it directly it wouldn't be able to rotate because the glue would be directly on the plastic. Originally I planned on just using this as a beta version of mounting the dust flaps to make sure it worked/fit right since rubbing alcohol can remove hot glue decently easy. After it worked so well though I think I'll just stick with it. Why fix what isn't broke? :P

I'll take a pic next time it's open, but honestly I'm sick of working on the thing and don't plan to open it again until the RGB board comes in. lol
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PostSubject: Re: Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom   Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom EmptyWed Oct 30, 2013 6:32 pm

Sounds like a lot of patience went into this.
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Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom Empty
PostSubject: Re: Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom   Preparing for the NESRGB board by creating.... the NESicom EmptySun Nov 10, 2013 8:30 pm

thats amazing work, man. You really should turn what you just did into a kit because it solves 2 problems. it fixes Blinking light and blowing on carts and it fixes not being able to play famicom games. you would sell a ton of those connectors.

ive been looking at building a toaster into a toploader for a long time but havent been able to find any right angle card connectors for it.

But i like this connector you made better.

Basically the only thing that could make this nesicom more appealing is installing an enio board or otherwise finding a way to add a famicom expansion port to it.

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