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 lack of stuff for sale

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Join date : 2012-03-04

lack of stuff for sale Empty
PostSubject: lack of stuff for sale   lack of stuff for sale EmptySun May 11, 2014 6:43 am

ive noticed that there seems to be a general lack of classic stuff for sale in forums. most of it is the usual ps2 and up stuff.

where does one go to find lots of old classic consoles and arcade stuff for sale?
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lack of stuff for sale Empty
PostSubject: Re: lack of stuff for sale   lack of stuff for sale EmptySun May 11, 2014 11:59 pm

The stuff will get increasingly hard to find, naturally. Especially with all the new retro collectors nowadays. As for myself I am not in buying mode lately. I have so much stuff already... I still get stuff off ebay but also from craiglist and such. I also have a "Deal" with a local thrift store. They give me a lot of the video game related stuff they get as apparently it does not interest them. They gave me lots of stuff. A lot of it is crap like Crap PC software but they also gave me some nice stuff too.
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lack of stuff for sale Empty
PostSubject: Re: lack of stuff for sale   lack of stuff for sale EmptyTue May 13, 2014 8:31 am

I have a nice stack of super nintendo and super famicom systems I'd gladly sell off. Most likely the "stuff" that's out there all wound up in the hands of people who actually want to keep it. Probably people have maximized potential profit from this stuff as is. Really I'm more interested in buying the latest flash cart or fpga upgrade for old consoles.
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lack of stuff for sale Empty
PostSubject: Re: lack of stuff for sale   lack of stuff for sale EmptyTue Sep 23, 2014 10:12 am

Drakon wrote:
I have a nice stack of super nintendo and super famicom systems I'd gladly sell off. Most likely the "stuff" that's out there all wound up in the hands of people who actually want to keep it. Probably people have maximized potential profit from this stuff as is. Really I'm more interested in buying the latest flash cart or fpga upgrade for old consoles.

i guess now is a good time to build up a collection of gamecubes and game boy players. Smile gamecubes are almost worthless right now but the GBP is worth a lot to me.

as far as classic stuff - I grew up near a big flea market and used to find all kinds of classic stuff there for next to nothing in the early to mid 2000s but i havent lived by one in years.
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Posts : 63
Join date : 2013-06-01

lack of stuff for sale Empty
PostSubject: Re: lack of stuff for sale   lack of stuff for sale EmptyTue Sep 23, 2014 10:32 am

The flea markets are squeezed dry these days and people figured out their stuff is worth something. Also, they often check prices on ebay.

Here is a depiction of the evolution of how a pile of 25 games goes cycled back in the marker.

Step 1: Lady clears the basement and brings a stack of 25 Gamecube games to Value village for donation
Step 2: Resident Value village Squatter buys all the games for 1$ each, has a member card, only costs 18$
Step 3: Value village Squatter rents a table at the flea market and sells the game 5$ each.
Step 4: A flea market hound finds the games and deals the whole lot for 50$, he knows a few of the games are valuable.
Step 5: He goes to a video game reseller to sell the games for more than he paid. He is not even a gamer.
Step 6: Reseller sells all the games individually at full market price.

And the wheel turns Smile

I go early at the flea market every weekend and I see exactly this happen. The same lady is there every week selling games she get at value village. The same dudes hunting for games are there too.
Next I see them bringing boxes of stuff at the video game store. It is a well oiled machine.
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Location : Canada

lack of stuff for sale Empty
PostSubject: Re: lack of stuff for sale   lack of stuff for sale EmptyTue Sep 23, 2014 3:06 pm

mvsfan wrote:
Drakon wrote:
I have a nice stack of super nintendo and super famicom systems I'd gladly sell off.  Most likely the "stuff" that's out there all wound up in the hands of people who actually want to keep it.  Probably people have maximized potential profit from this stuff as is.  Really I'm more interested in buying the latest flash cart or fpga upgrade for old consoles.

i guess now is a good time to build up a collection of gamecubes and game boy players. Smile gamecubes are almost worthless right now but the GBP is worth a lot to me.

as far as classic stuff - I grew up near a big flea market and used to find all kinds of classic stuff there for next to nothing in the early to mid 2000s but i havent lived by one in years.

Yeah people bought gaming stuff at flea markets in the last decade or so, flipped it for an increase, and the stuff kept being resold at increases until it wound up in the hands of collectors or people who paid too much for it to be able to resell it.

Same thing happened with ebay.  Used to be able to find all sorts of cheap gaming stuff on ebay, now it's way harder.

As maxwar is saying there's a whole "machine" of people who don't play games who flip them just to make money.
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Posts : 63
Join date : 2013-06-01

lack of stuff for sale Empty
PostSubject: Re: lack of stuff for sale   lack of stuff for sale EmptyTue Sep 23, 2014 3:16 pm

I buy in lots and resell stuff after I test, clean and repair everything. It helps me fund my gaming hobby.
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