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 My video game playthroughs in s-video and stereo sound

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Location : Canada

My video game playthroughs in s-video and stereo sound Empty
PostSubject: My video game playthroughs in s-video and stereo sound   My video game playthroughs in s-video and stereo sound EmptyTue Feb 21, 2012 6:01 pm

TMNT 2: the arcade game:

Starfox running at 42 mhz gsu 2:

Megaman 2:

Mario 2 (in two parts):

Castlevania 3:

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Location : Canada

My video game playthroughs in s-video and stereo sound Empty
PostSubject: Re: My video game playthroughs in s-video and stereo sound   My video game playthroughs in s-video and stereo sound EmptySun Jul 08, 2012 8:01 am

My latest playthrough, tmnt 3: the manhatten project famicom version.

This's recorded from my most recent av famicom build.

This isn't emulation it's an actual nintendo console that I built. This system uses no clone hardware it's 100% nintendo hardware with heavily modified video and audio circuits.
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Location : Canada

My video game playthroughs in s-video and stereo sound Empty
PostSubject: Re: My video game playthroughs in s-video and stereo sound   My video game playthroughs in s-video and stereo sound EmptyTue Sep 11, 2012 8:52 pm

Ketsui arcade pcb one credit clear:

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PostSubject: Re: My video game playthroughs in s-video and stereo sound   My video game playthroughs in s-video and stereo sound Empty

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