So, a long while ago I came across a mod to install a 32x inside of a Sega:
It's a fantastic idea and I certainly believe this would fit into my small collection of showcase modded consoles.
I've never owned a 32x and I would like to propose a question; Is there anything I should be aware of that would make this "Sega Neptune" an undesirable choice as a day to day console? I'm worried about committing, only to find out I'll be restricted in some fashion with the 32x permanently attached.
Here's my list of expectations for this thing:
- RGB output
- Sounds pristine (via Crystal Clear Audio Mod)
- Can run all MegaDrive/Genesis/32x/Master System games
- Case's exterior is physically identical in appearance to a model 2 Genesis (I'll be using my Everdrive MD to play 32x games, to avoid modifying the cartridge slot)
- Would like to potentially have a SegaCD attached.
I'm anticipating having to potentially upgrade the power supply, being as that the stock Genesis AC adapter will be powering the console, 32x and my Everdrive MD.
So, any thoughts on any restrictions I may face?