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 NEOGEO AES Japanese console with 50/60HZ switch mod, actual benefits?!

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NEOGEO AES Japanese console with 50/60HZ switch mod, actual benefits?! Empty
PostSubject: NEOGEO AES Japanese console with 50/60HZ switch mod, actual benefits?!   NEOGEO AES Japanese console with 50/60HZ switch mod, actual benefits?! EmptySun Mar 09, 2014 5:35 pm

So, after successfully performing the RGB mod and installing the Universe Bios in my Japanese NTSC NEOGEO AES 3-6 board console, I'm now thinking about also installing a 50/60HZ switch as described in this guide:


I'll be using it on my European CRT TV which supports 50HZ & 60 HZ perfectly with all my other EURO PAL consoles which I have also modded so far.
But is there a practical point or benefit in installing such a switch and have the option to play games at 50HZ on the NEOGEO, or should I not even bother and stick to the default 60HZ.
I would rather avoid drilling a hole onto the plastic case if there is no actual benefit from it.

By the way, I noticed at the jamma-nation-x site, it says that you also need to modify the colorburst crystal. How do you do that exactly?


Quote :
In the picture below is a 3-6 board revision, this is for 3-6 only. For NTSC, simply connect the green point to the yellow. For PAL, simply connect the red to the yellow. Don't forget that you will need to also change the colorburst crystal (4.43mhz for PAL and 3.57mhz for NTSC) with the correct frequency to fully convert the console to PAL or NTSC.

NEOGEO AES Japanese console with 50/60HZ switch mod, actual benefits?! 1925413

So the guide at mmmonkey is not complete? What else needs to be done to add a fully working 50/60HZ switch on a NEOGEO3-6 board?

I'll also do this awesome LED mod by installing a multi-coloured RGB LED instead.


So any recommendations & thoughts will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
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NEOGEO AES Japanese console with 50/60HZ switch mod, actual benefits?!
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