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 Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's

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Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's Empty
PostSubject: Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's   Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's EmptyMon Apr 09, 2012 11:05 pm

First off I want I do not want to make anyone mad or sound like I am complaining these are Idea's that I thought of to maybe make RGB modding more afford able or get even better picture than what you can get from drakon's system.
*Price is not including labor or price of ppu.

1. Get a JROK Sync Cleaner and a JROK v4.1 RGB to NTSC Encoder. $91.98 and it's build.
With this your cleaning the signal and converting the natural rgb to composite,s-video, and component
the only negative is no stereo and I do not know how good the video would be.

2. The RGB Kit that drakon and Doug Use. $100 for the basic kit and it's not build.
I would say the same benefits above but, you can have stereo and the video is nice
but, no standard jacks for video need's.

3. The DIY way or combo of both $????

Both way 1 and 2 have been used
but, way 2 has been used alot and has now been improved since drakon has modded Nes/famicom system's.
way 1 has been used in a jamma Nes and a component Nes but, no video of game play has been shown.
I would be interest to see if way one could be as good as way 2 or even better. So if doug or drakon could try this out that would be really cool of you.
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Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's   Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's EmptyTue Apr 10, 2012 8:42 am

What makes you think I havn't already tried using a jrok? I've built and bought every type of encoder and amp out there. If you actually read my worklogs you'd find out that everything except for the kit from japan had video issues such as flickering backgrounds in certain games and lower video sharpness. Also these rgb ppu chips even with a rgb amp the video quality decreases when the signals travel over any length of cable. Even adding 2 inches of wire made the sharpness noticably go down. The kit from japan feeds the rgb directly into the video encoder at point blank range.
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Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's   Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's EmptyTue Apr 10, 2012 12:12 pm

Drakon wrote:
What makes you think I havn't already tried using a jrok? I've built and bought every type of encoder and amp out there. If you actually read my worklogs you'd find out that everything except for the kit from japan had video issues such as flickering backgrounds in certain games and lower video sharpness. Also these rgb ppu chips even with a rgb amp the video quality decreases when the signals travel over any length of cable. Even adding 2 inches of wire made the sharpness noticably go down. The kit from japan feeds the rgb directly into the video encoder at point blank range.

I thought that because I did not see alot of topic's about the jrock that you did not mess with the 4.1 jrock encoder.
I know you used a rgb amp that had s-video and composite but, not the one with component video.
Also, I don't remember if you used a sync cleaner or not.

Maybe, the one you used had a crappy video encoder.
I am sure you could replace that with a better one and it would fix the issue's you had before.
Most supergun's use the jrock 4.1 so I cant see it being all bad.

Also, Alot of people have the toaster Nes systems and Finding a Toploader or AV Famicom is not always easy for a decent price.
With a Toaster Nes you have alot more options for upgrades than the toploader. I am not saying it's perfect for toploader or Av famicom's but, for Toaster system's it might be a good option because,
your going to have distance in the wires anyway. You have improved the Japan Kit. I think you could improve the jrock with the sync cleaner combo. Also, think of how much time would be saved using this and how much quicker you could
mail systems back. This is just my $0.02 so take it for what it's worth.

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Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's   Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's EmptyTue Apr 10, 2012 3:14 pm

I used a sync cleaner and it didn't make any difference. I also built a lm1881 circuit and again no difference. If you want to take the time to buy one of the kits from japan and reproduce it to bring the price down you're more than welcome to. If I had like hundreds of orders then yeah I would look for cheaper options but this is a niche project that doesn't make huge business so it's not worth my efforts. Also hand building these circuits would be way more work than building them out of the kits again driving the price up.

I have a jrok 4.1 the encoder isn't "crappy" I tested both s-video and component video it was nothing special. I've built / bought video circuits for pretty much every video encoder on the market including the fujitstu mb3514, the bh7236af, the cxa1645, cxa2075, even the ad series encoder that you get from neobitz. I have hand built / bought every rgb amp available including ones from japan that nobody had done before. Believe me when I say that the best setup is the kit from japan with a cxa2075 and my new signal timing circuit for improved colour encoding.

If you want to not believe me and buy / build all this crap for yourself then please go ahead and do so but don't make posts expecting other people to do the work and buy the parts for free (which by the way I've already done and posted the results on various forums)

The jrok 4.1 is a terrible encoder to use in a supergun I wired mine into my supergun and had all kinds of video issues also I know someone who bought a supergun with a jrok and also had issues. The best arcade encoder I found is the one that uses the bh7236af chip from arcademvs.com but I modded the circuit to fix various issues so even that encoder wasn't plug and play perfection.

And honestly your 2 cents are obviously based on hot air and zero research / effort. The ways I improved the japanese kit had nothing to do with the fixes the kit already provides for audio and video. The jrok won't create a proper picture and these kits from japan aren't that much more expensive.

Let me make this absolutely clear I REFUSE to build a system that doesn't use atleast the kit from japan for the video circuit as ALL other setups will have issues like flickering backgrounds, and greatly lowered picture quality. If anybody wants to build a system that uses a different video circuit please find someone else to build it.
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Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's   Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's EmptyTue Apr 10, 2012 3:37 pm

sean3614 wrote:
I believe you when you say the jap kit is the best and I am not question that.
It's just strange that out of all the ways to do the mod this would be the best because it's really not dong anything special beside converting rgb to every video option out their.
I was not expecting anyone to go out their way and buy the part's but, if you had it all ready it would have been interest to see if their could be a better way to do the mod. But, I guess the simplest way here is the best.

This kit is doing more than just "converting rgb to every video option out there" please stop pretending like you know what you're talking about. I've found out the BEST and CHEAPEST way to get results without losing quality. If you want to find a better way then please do so but the way you're posting makes it sound like you want other people to do it.
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Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's   Way's to RGB Mod A NES/Famicom Idea's EmptyTue Apr 10, 2012 3:51 pm

I am just going to stop this thread before this get's ugly.
I just wanted this to be a fun thread and know it's starting to get out of control.
I get the basic idea in that you need to amp the RGB line's and convert it to something you can use.
I am not an expert on the subject. And I guess I leave this at that.
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