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 Gameboy eprom cart

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Gameboy eprom cart Empty
PostSubject: Gameboy eprom cart   Gameboy eprom cart EmptySun Feb 03, 2013 12:06 pm

Gameboy eprom cart Epromgbcartinside

Gameboy eprom cart Gbflashcartlazyedition

Gameboy eprom cart Gbcartrunning2

Took me a lot of google and using my skills from countless other projects. As you can see the bart vs the juggernauts cart I got for free is now a trip world and can have other eproms burned and dropped in to play other games.

What was required...

1: Download trip world and open the rom in an emulator to get the details about it. I used the vba emulator and after opening the rom click on file, rom information. The rom information says:

Gameboy eprom cart Vbainfo

Cartridge type is rom with a mbc1. Rom size is 256k. No ram. Which means for a donor cart I needed something with a mbc1 and a maskrom.

I found the bart vs the juggernauts cart I got for free has these specs so I opened it up and sure enough inside was just a maskrom and a mbc1. I looked up the gameboy maskrom pinout online but it didn't look like my donor cart pcb wiring. I next looked up the mbc1 pinout and found this:

Gameboy eprom cart Cart1

Great so now I have the mbc1 maskrom pinout. I just got a bunch of 256k eproms recently in the mail that I've been using for making famicom english conversions. I compared the pinout of my eproms (27c020) to the maskrom pinout in the mbc1 schematic:

Gameboy eprom cart Cart1compare

Perfect match. PGM on the eprom is also a18 they just didn't label it in this chart. The rest was just wiring, patience, and knowing how to burn an eprom properly. The maskrom was desoldered using a heatgun.
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